People SAY...
We could never WIN against North Korea because:
A) If the Norks killed 10 million Americans and we retaliated by killing 5 of them, the Democrats would be VERY ANGRY because we killed the WRONG 5 NORKS.
How would the Democrats KNOW the USA had killed the WRONG 5 NORKS? Because killing ANY NORKS who had NUKED the land the Democrats HATE would be a BAD thing for the Democrats.
B) If the Norks killed 10 million Americans with nuclear strikes...and we retaliated by killing 10 million NORKS with nuclear strikes...the Democrats would say we SHOULD NEVER have NUKED them back
because TWO WRONGS don't make a RIGHT!
C) If USA did pre-emptive STRIKES on ALL Nork nuclear missles AFTER
a Nork "nuclear test missle" killed thousands of islanders with a TSUNAMI...The Democrats would say the USA is a BIG BULLY & VERY BAD for picking on innocent Norks AFTER an "accident".
HOWEVER...the terrible FISH KILL by the NORK NUKE MISSLE would be REALLY the Democrats would condemn ALL NUKES IN THE WORLD. ( have faces)
D) If all Democrats MOVED to California, the NORKS nuked Cali so badly that an earthquake caused ALL OF California to fall into the ocean killing ALL Californians...the Progressives and RINO Republicans WOULD say that TRUMP provoked the NORKS so they would nuke California and make ALL the Democrats DIE because the GOP KNEW California would fall into the ocean from earthquakes if ever it was NUKED by the NORKS.
Somehow we don't think Steven King's IT is about Info Technology... Watch Corso movie
There is a "NO FIX ANYTHING"-it's screwed up the way we want it" party (and it's just one BIG party for these Democrat and RINO Republican goof-offs!)
Let's go back to those thrilling yesteryear Obamacare "hatchling" days of the "Louisiana Purchase?" No dear hearts - it was NOT Thomas Jefferson's "bargain-basement" acquisition of land from Napoleon at a few dollars per acre. NO! This is the Democrats' 21st century acquisition of Sen. Mary Landrieu's (D., La.) reluctant-but-purchased support for the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Mary (Marie Laveou) Landrieu, pledged her vote in exchange for gaining $200 million additional federal funds for Louisiana's Medicaid program. Then accidentally or on purpose - a drafting error, brought that $200 million up to $4.3 billion for Louisiana in extra Medicaid funds. This amounted to over twenty times the assigned amount. Exactly how this boondoggle of a travesty happened, and how Congress failed to fully fix it, is a microcosm of the 2017's new health law's many flaws and (foul ups) or FUs.
The Obamacare tragedy of errors story began in the fall of 2009, when Sen. (Very)Harry Reid (D., Nev.) was attempting to cram, stuff, and jam together the necessary 60 votes to pass the (Un)Affordable (We Don't) Care (It's All An) Act. The erstwhile, good-intentioned Sen from Nevada needed every rambling and gambling Democrat on board in order to accomplish this mega-monstrosity of malfeasance, which gave waffling (said by Obama to be no-good, deadbeat, low-life)senators tremendous leverage to REALLY make this a PORKEROO for their states. In the case of Sen. Landrieu, this involved gaining spendthrift, extravagant funding for the state's Medicaid program, something that Republican Governor Bobby Jindal also wanted. But being a decent sort of fellow, Jindal opposed its attachment like a rotten, rancid ALBATROSS to (the neck of) PPACA.
Medicaid is America's government health-care program for the poor. Medicaid is jointly funded by the states and the federal government. The federal government chips in at different levels to different states, using a fouled up (FU) formula called Federal Medical Assistance Percentages, or FMAP. FMAP is determined by several factors, such as a state's per-capita income, the state's own Medicaid spending, and accountant "magic" or "Fudge Factor Five". Naturally FMAP has received a lot of criticism from cerebral policy types, who are chagrinned to note that its structure incentivizes state politicians to spend more on Medicaid, knowing that taxpayers in other states will foot most of the bill. This is commonly known as,"Robbing Peter to pay Paul."
As of August 2017, the Medicaid law specifies that the feds will contribute no less than 50 percent of a state's Medicaid costs; the national average prior to the Obama Administration was about 57 percent.
Louisiana had received "acres of diamonds" of additional Medicaid after Hurricane Katrina, and Sen. Landrieu's goal was to "rope in" that assistance, with the excuse of gradually weaning Louisianna off of its additional subsidies.
Section 2006 of PPACA, a "Special Adjustment to FMAP Determination for Certain States Recovering from a Major Disaster," was written to temporarily increase the federal government's FMAP contribution to Louisiana to about $200 million which is a "train-load of cash". It contains extremely complicated legislative (lawyerly $10 word)language, and its primary purpose is to ensure that only Louisiana benefits from the specified FMAP increase. This magnificently baffgab, jive, lawyerly "instrument of deception" is here:
Section 1905 of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1396d), as amended by sections 2001(a)(3) and 2001(b)(2), is amended--
(1) in subsection (b), in the first sentence, by striking ''subsection (y)'' and inserting ''subsections (y) and (aa)''; and
(2) by adding at the end the following new subsection:
''(aa)(1) Notwithstanding subsection (b), beginning January 1, 2011, the Federal medical assistance percentage for a fiscal year for a disaster-recovery FMAP adjustment State shall be equal to the following:
''(A) In the case of the first fiscal year (or part of a fiscal year) for which this subsection applies to the State, the Federal medical assistance percentage determined for the fiscal year without regard to this subsection, subsection (y), subsection (z), and section 10202 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, increased by 50 percent of the number of percentage points by which the Federal medical assistance percentage determined for the State for the fiscal year without regard to this subsection and subsection (y), is less than the Federal medical assistance percentage determined for the State for the preceding fiscal year after the application of only subsection (a) of section 5001 of Public Law 111-5 (if applicable to the preceding fiscal year) and without regard to this sub- section, subsection (y), and subsections (b) and (c) of section 5001 of Public Law 111-5.
''(B) In the case of the second or any succeeding fiscal year for which this subsection applies to the State, the Federal medical assistance percentage determined for the preceding fiscal year under this subsection for the State, increased by 25 percent of the number of percentage points by which the Federal medical assistance percentage determined for the State for the fiscal year without regard to this subsection, subsection (y), subsection (z), and section 10202 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, is less than the Federal medical assistance percentage determined for the State for the preceding fiscal year under this subsection.
''(2) In this subsection, the term 'disaster-recovery FMAP adjustment State' means a State that is one of the 50 States or the District of Columbia, for which, at any time during the preceding 7 fiscal years, the President has declared a major disaster under section 401 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act and determined as a result of such disaster that every county or parish in the State warrant individual and public assistance or public assistance from the Federal Government under such Act and for which--
''(A) in the case of the first fiscal year (or part of a fiscal year) for which this subsection applies to the State, the Federal medical assistance percentage determined for the State for the fiscal year without regard to this subsection, subsection (y), subsection (z), and section 10202 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, is less than the Federal medical assistance percentage determined for the State for the preceding fiscal year after the application of only subsection (a) of section 5001 of Public Law 111-5 (if applicable to the preceding fiscal year) and without regard to this subsection, subsection (y), and subsections (b) and (c) of section 5001 of Public Law 111-5, by at least 3 percentage points; and
''(B) in the case of the second or any succeeding fiscal year for which this subsection applies to the State, the Federal medical assistance percentage determined for the State for the fiscal year without regard to this subsection, subsection (y), subsection (z), and section 10202 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, is less than the Federal medical assistance percentage determined for the State for the preceding fiscal year under this subsection by at least 3 percentage points.
''(3) The Federal medical assistance percentage determined for a disaster-recovery FMAP adjustment State under paragraph (1) shall apply for purposes of this title (other than with respect to dis- proportionate share hospital payments described in section 1923 and payments under this title that are based on the enhanced FMAP described in 2105(b)) and shall not apply with respect to payments under title IV (other than under part E of title IV) or payments under title XXI.''.
In the waining hours on March 20, 2010, before the final tragic and catastropic - vote on the health care bill in the House of Representatives, the Congressional Budget Office and the Joint Committee on Taxation issued their fiscal scoring of the bill. According to their analysis, the "Louisiana Purchase" would cost $0.1 billion in 2011 and $0.1 billion in 2012, with no additional spending thereafter for a total of $0.2 billion, or approximately $200 million.
Knowing this was a "Fudge Factor Five Lie" like all these "low-ball" estimates - Republicans were angry, livid and throughly POed as were millions of sane and sober voters. Although President Barack Hussein Obama weakly spoke up with "lip-service" opposition to the special deals "from smoke-filled rooms" in Congress in support of his signature legislation, he made an exception for the Louisiana Medicaid adjustment, blythly and erroniously including Hawaii:
Something that was called a special deal was for Louisiana. It was said that there were billions--millions of dollars going to Louisiana, this was a special deal. Well, in fact, that provision, which I think should remain in, said that if a state has been affected by a natural catastrophe, that has created a special health care emergency in that state, they should get help. Louisiana, obviously, went through Katrina, and they're still trying to deal with the enormous challenges that were faced because of that...That also--I'm giving you an example of one that I consider important. It also affects Hawaii, which went through an earthquake. So that's not just a Louisiana provision. That is a provision that affects every state that is going through a natural catastrophe.
The primary travesty thing that was called a special deal was for Louisiana and only Louisianna. People were talking that there were billions--millions of dollars going to Louisiana, with this "slammed-full-o-pork" special deal. Well, in fact, that provision, which I think should remain in, said that if a state has been affected by a natural catastrophe, that has created a special health care emergency in that state, they should get help. Louisiana, obviously, went through Katrina, and they're still trying to deal with the enormous challenges that were faced because of that...That also--I'm giving you an example of one that I consider important. It also affects Hawaii, which went through an earthquake. So that's not just a Louisiana provision. That is a provision that affects every state that is going through a natural catastrophe.
Low and behold - in November of 2011, when the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) attempted to decypher the complicated special bafflegab language of the legislation, they arrived at a much larger number: $4.3 billion. This skyrocketing cost was partly because the text of the law did not phase out the adjustment in two years, as it was originally intended to, but "roped-a-doped-in" and increased the federal subsidy in out-years.
The **expletive times 47** language in Section 2006, wrote (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services) CMS, "results in increased, rather than phased down, financial assistance to [Louisiana] each year, and allows [the state] to continue to qualify for assistance after their underlying FMAP has stabilized. The resulting assistance will be higher than initially projected."
You can hit yourself over the head with that wine bottle and say that again. In fiscal year 2012 alone, the federal government sent about $700 million in supplemental funds to Louisiana's Medicaid program, with another $3.6 billion to be spent in fiscal years 2013-2015. In (Fiscal year) FY13, the law changed and arbitrarily raised the feds' share of Louisiana Medicaid spending from 61 percent to 72 percent: a billion-dollar adjustment for the Louisianna.
In Louisiana or "Cajun" French, lagniappe means "something given as a bonus or extra gift," like the proverbial "Baker's dozen" or 13th doughnut. When Democrats "got theirs" for Obamacare from vengeful, exploited, and finacially ravished voters - Republicans took over the House in 2011. Republicans, infiltrated by RINO Democrats added Sen. Landrieu's "Louisiana Lagniappe" to their list of PPACA provisions slated for repeal but RINOs vowed to and continually sabotaged repeal like the low-life-no-good, deadbeats they are. Guys like Sen. John McCain, Sen. "Lambait Gramnasty Graham and Sen Corker and a handful of other degenerates blocked legislation to repeal and fix Obamacare.
Indeed, the 2012 payroll tax extension deal between Republicans and Democrats contained some language addressing the FMAP adjustment. Section 3204 of this new bill, Republicans claim, "eliminates funding for the 'Louisiana Purchase' contained in ObamaCare beginning in FY2014. CBO estimates this provision would reduce spending by $2.5 billion." In other words, the bill kept the FY2013 spending intact, sending another $1.1 billion in error to Louisiana's Medicaid coffers well over and sky-high above that fake and phony low-ball $200 million.
Not surprisingly - this "smoke and mirrors" compromise, which allowed Louisiana to keep $1.6 billion in erroneously spent federal dollars, was very unpopular among Louisiana's Congressional delegation, including some Republicans. Rep. Bill Cassidy (R., La.), one of the GOP's rising stars on health-care issues, and a likely challenger who eventually "flushed away" Sen. Landrieu in 2014 like so much human excrement, was foremost among opponents of the expensive "correction". "Why, with all the false, misleading assumptions in President Obama's health care law, is only this one singled out?" Cassidy inquired in a 2012 blog post. "Why aren't we revising the entire bill, rooting out every instance where it was poorly drafted and/or will cost more than it was billed as costing?"
Rep. Cassidy's "pained howl of" complaint, however parochial and loud and rational, has a sharp point. One could easily dismiss the Louisiana Lagniappe as a "trivial" issue since the $4.3 billion in a trillion-dollar health-care law is a rounding error foul up (FU). Nevertheless, the fast and sloppy and carelessness with which Sen. Landrieu's provision was drafted is profoundly rampant and polluting of the entire piece of legislation.
Examples, e.g. - The CLASS Act, a new entitlement for long-term care, was suspended by Health and Human Secretary Kathleen (Scabby) Sebelius, because she couldn't "dream up" a way "in her wildest nightmares" to ensure its long-term solvency. SURPRISE! SURPRISE! The law's high-risk pools, which are designed to cover people with very expensive pre-existing conditions, are spending twice as much per beneficiary as originally projected. The Obama White House quietly increased its budget for the law's insurance subsidies by $111 billion from 2014 to 2021, which places a "smelly pile" on President Donald J. Trump.
This is just one more "spending land mine" deftly and vitriolically and cunningly - laid for Trump. Obama was privately chuckling to himself that he had sabotaged Trump's Obamacare promise AND due to the 2017 Congress' inability to "walk and chew gum simultaniuosly" - the TAX reform as well.
There are many, many other foul ups (FU) but the point goes deep and hard. The Affordable Care Act's supporters believe the law to be a thoughtfully conceived, fiscally responsible program that will cover more people while reducing the deficit. There are a lot of reasons to doubt their optimism among these is the fact that they are illogical and daft - from liberality warping their already twisted little minds.
Alas, the lapdog, Democrat-loving-lame-stream-main-stream - media will continue to verbally attack President Trump with their "mole-hill-into-mountain-anal-inspection of his every pronouncement even as they dissed his profoundly prudent Charlottsville after-incident speech. The media might as well have criticized Trump for not suggesting places to buy TAR, FEATHERS, ROPE and torches while naming each and every one of the so-called - "white supremists" and giving out their addresses and telephone numbers!
COMMENT: Did it ever occur to "media-types" that thousands of Civil War buffs who actually re-enact historical battles - MIGHT want to protect Confederate monuments?
Many of them are blacks who actually dress as "buffalo soldiers" because of their interest in U.S. history - NOT because they are "pro-slavery". SOME actually call the "War Between the States" - the "War To Fight Off Yankee Aggression" and the "States' Rights Rebellion" since many Confederates were themselves sharecroppers and poor farmers who had no interest in keeping slavery. General Sherman's "March To The Sea" pretty much illustrates the "War To Fight Off Yankee Aggression" side of the Civil War. People can "look that up" on the internet.
For starters...a debate:
Well, the media COULD have chastized Trump for not "running out and donating blood" for the injured "antifida" and "Black Lives Matter" persons who "participated".
But even THAT would not have amiliorated and "balmed" the "internalized mental anguish" of these "reporters" who are just "out to get" Trump. They are truly insatiable in their "blood-lust" for a very good if flawed human being who rightly won the Presidency in 2016.
Get over it mass-Trump-loathing-media! Or find some obliging Muslims who will give you guys a "heads-off-solution" without benefit of guillotine. Those ISIS types are clueless as to the usage of a "whetstone" but will be "more than happy" to "saw off YOUR problem area" with a dull knife! BTW, that's NOT a "haircut"!
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